The Infinite Space Collection

Step into space on a journey free from time – Lord Berons’ cosmic adventure is one you won’t forget! The Infinite Space Collection allows you traverse the imagined discoveries of Brazilian Carioca artist, Sad’Hue. Lord Berons is his enterprising alter ego, and the hero of this untouched world. The hypnotic movements of his abstract art nods to the vaporwave aesthetic. From the psychedelic to the trance-inducing, a consciousness-expanding adventure awaits. There may even be a future use for these mysterious findings…

The sale for this collection has now ended, and the policy is locked. A total of 21 tokens were minted, reducing the expected quantity of this collection. The minted values below have been updated to relect this.

Sale ended


ID: 003-003-00A
Total Minted: 5
Price: ₳50


ID: 003-003-00B
Total Minted: 9
Price: ₳50


ID: 003-003-00C
Total Minted: 5
Price: ₳50


ID: 003-003-00D
Total Minted: 2
Price: ₳50
RetroNFTs Sunset Card


ID: 003-003-00E
Total Minted: 0
Price: ₳50